Arts & Culture Features
As an Arts and Culture feature writer and photographer, I create editorial stories for the Chicago Tribune, the Pioneer Press and for a variety of magazines, like Inspired Living, Sheridan Road and Shore...
Travel Stories
Travel allows us to reinvent our own story with each new destination we visit. My travel features explore the role of Victorian-era women and in Lake Michigan's resort history, Midwest boutique weekend getaways for nature lovers, close to Chicago, and modern day sailors using the ancient practice of celestial navigation to aid their digital GPS.
As a photographer I create in-depth photo narratives, like “Between Cultures: Children of Immigrants in America,” a major traveling solo exhibition which opened at the Ellis Island Museum in NYC, and book monograph, published by the Center for American Places and winner of the International Sister Cities Multicultural Book Award.
Telling Stories
As an artist, writer, photographer and educator, based in the Chicago-metro area, I wanted to create a home on the web that would more fully represent my creative life both commercially and personally.
My greatest challenge was to bring together the range of multidisciplinary practices that I work in – from fiction writing, to photography, to teaching the visual arts, to the commercial freelance writing and photography that I do for newspapers and magazines.
My love of the narrative is threaded throughout all of the creative work that I do -- stories swirl through each of the media I work in -- through my editorial work, my photography, my writing, and even manifest in my teaching of the visual arts.

Contact Gina to learn more…
There are many stories to tell.